Monday, December 14, 2009

The end of another Semester Fall 2009, good bye

Well we have reached the end of another semester and successfully graduated four more McMurry Art Students. What a whirlwind of a semester. Art parties, art sales, Kappa Pi events, gallery shows, workshops, and the normal business of classes. I hope you all made it out alive and we will see you again in the Spring! Brad and I are around over this break so let me know if you need anything. Have a wonderful Christmas Break...You deserve it! See you in 2010~

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Here is the poster from our latest exhibition. The first exhibit all four of us are in. The poster has an image of the boys that I painted of a picture that they took of themselves after an incident. William hit David, Will felt bad but didn't know what to do, David was hurt but more confused than anything. This particular image started an entire new series of work for me and the kids on communication and dealing with sensory issues and problems that arrive when there is a person in your life with a communication problem, for us that is autism, and all the other normal communication problems that families have. The show, Little eyes on me is the brain child of Chris Wilson and Saybra Phillips and the families of Larry and Kathie Walker Millar and their adopted daughter Maya Millar and our family. It is an interesting concept and a first for us all so let us know what you think. I will post more images of the exhibit later this week! Keeping busy! You all stay healthy out there!

Thursday, October 29, 2009

FIrst Day of a New Blog

This is the first day of my new blog designed for the Art Department, alumni, current students and even those just interested in my professional career. This image above is of a painting I did this past year of my boys. It is part of a series I am working on about the effects of autism in a family unit. There will be an exhibit in November at the Amy Graves Ryan Gallery of Fine Arts. It will include images that myself, my husband and my children have done about being in a family. The Walker-Millar's are also in the exhibit and it should be a lot of fun! I will post more info on the times and dates of the exhibit and reception. I believe it will be on November 20th so mark your calenders now. I will try to post many upcoming events and exhibits as they happen as well as new work as I work on it. Keep Creating and Have Fun!